About the artist
Artist / Band: VII ARC (Visual kei inspired theatrical metal band from Germany)
Members: KAY (vocals), Fu (guitar), Bena (guitar), GRAZEL (bass), Z’ev (drums)
Website: https://www.vii-arc.de/en/
About the photos
Country: The Netherlands
City: Dordrecht
Venue: Popcentrale
Date: April 21, 2019
Title: VII ARC // Suicidol European Tour 2019 (support for Madmans Esprit)
Camera model: Sony Alpha A37
VII ARC // Suicidol European Tour 2019 (support for Madmans Esprit)
Aside from taking photos at this show, we also did an interview with VII ARC, in which we talk about their connection to and influence from the ヴィジュアル系 (Visual Kei) scene and their inspirations.
This interview had to be cut short because we ran out of time at the venue, but we finished the interview through email afterwards. That’s why this interview is in two different parts.
You can find the interview on Arlequin Magazine, here:
VII ARC – A theatrical metal band inspired by Visual Kei